There is a key difference between working for someone and working with someone.

There is a key difference between working for someone and working with someone.
When I accepted an offer to join Finalyse around 2.5 years ago, my first thought was to make a pun and tell all my friends that I “finalysed” the Finalyse offer. Since that day, it has been an absolute pleasure to work with Finalyse. There is a key difference between working for someone and working with someone. When it comes to Finalyse, you feel the latter 100%.
Finalyse has helped me develop as well as guided me into becoming a better professional. The whole team, including the top management, is very receptive to ideas and encourages everyone to think independently and produce their version of how we should grow together. Professionally it has been an absolute blast working with a variety of clients and a range of projects which really keep you on your toes and engage you. At the same time, Finalyse is very considerate about your work-life balance, and it has been the best place I’ve ever worked in terms of it.
There’s a small anecdote that I want to share about the ethics and morals of the people I work with. My younger cousin passed away earlier last year, and it was a time when I was very vulnerable and far away from my home, suffering from this bereavement in addition to covid. The support I received from my peers and management was highly appreciated. Even a small email checking up on me or a quick call to see how I am doing matters a lot. And while Finalyse has all the big values and positives sorted out, the small things that people do additionally make me appreciate them much more.